Map Update for SEAT Media System 2.1/2.2 Western Europe V.11

Reference: 000051884AF

Map Update for SEAT Media System 2.1/2.2 Western Europe V.11

Reference: 000051884AF
  • Product
  • SD Card with last update SEAT Media System 2.1 / 2.2 Western Europe V.11 for RNS315 navigator.

    Coverage Area:
    Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France
    (include Monaco), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
    Italy (include San Marino and Vatican city), Luxemburg,
    Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia,
    Spain (include Andorra and Gibraltar), Sweden, Switzerland
    (include Liechtenstein) and United Kingdom.

    Coverage Statistics:
    Km. of road: 8.609.633
    Road Coverage: 99,90%
    Number of point of interest: 2.633.583


* Before installing an accessory in your vehicle, please always read the recommendations in your SEAT's manual.